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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Known But by Grace

Only, and far flung God,
Bursting upon the scene of Time
To start the clock
By uncreated might,
And usher forth
Your manifold good will,
In the splendor of creation,
Look on me,
In my becoming.
In this, the only now I know,
This precious fleeting instant,
Reveal Yourself evermore.

You entered Time
That Man might enter Heaven.
You, Who are Eternal Being,
Let me contemplate Thee
Wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Nursing at the Virgin's breast,
Growing as men grow,
Yet knowing the Father Creator
As only Son.

I see Thee arrayed,
Transfigured in the Light,
Even as You are stretched
Between Heaven and Earth
On Your Holy Cross,
Becoming Sin,
And dying in my stead.
Lifted above the earth in Your divinity,
Higher than the mountains,
Yet pervading depth and breathe,
To shake and shape
The cursed land and Man anew,
In elegant Revelation of Mystery,
Rising from the dead,
To live in universal blessedness,
Across all time and space,
Known but by grace.

Copyright 2013 Joann Nelander

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Renew the Face of the Earth

Jesus, henceforth,
Live my life
In blessed union with me,
And accept my every breathe and exertion,
As Your own witness to the Father.

Pour, through me, the graces,
That change the world,
In the power of the Holy Spirit,
So that I be a portal
In Creation's web,
As gateway,
That Heaven may flow,
Entering Matter and Time,
As on Your Altar,
That I may say with Paul,
"I live, no longer I,
But Christ lives in me,"
To the glory of God, the Father,
God, the Son,
And God, the Holy Spirit.

Command angels fly to the aid
Of this fallen land,
As ever fresh Redemption,
Fighting Your battles in the air,
And announcing Truth,
To renew in You,
Those who You have not left orphans.

The lowly exalt You,In the garden of Earth.
As we sing Your praise,
Turn up the volume of Your Word,
That even the deaf may hear.
Issue edicts of Love,
That, at Your command,
We be Holy,
As The Father is Holy,
And You are Holy.
Holy, holy, holy.

You dedicate Yourself, eternally,
To our sanctification,
That by Faith and "Fiat"
All creation blossom forth,
A New Heaven
And New Earth,
And Your rein recognized,
And the Lie undone,
Triumphantly in the Son.

© 2013 Joann Nelander

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Papal theologian: Treating homosexuals with dignity means telling them the truth BY JOHN-HENRY WESTEN

Papal theologian: Treating homosexuals with dignity means telling them the truth


    Asked about the problem of homosexuality, gay ‘marriage’ and their incursion on relgious freedom, Fr. Giertych noted “this is not an issue which is reacting against the Church’s teaching – this is a fundamental anthropological change.” It is, he said, “a distortion of humanity which is being proposed as an ideology, which is being supported, financed, promoted by those who are powerful in the world in many, many, countries simultaneously.”

    “The Church,” he added, “is the only institution in the world which has the courage to stand up to this ideology.”

    He continued, noting that the increasing role of the state in society has resulted in a substantial lowering of ethical standards:

    “Now, what we are observing in many countries world-wide, certainly in the 20th and the 21st century, there is an enormous extension of the responsibility of States. Now, the more the State is encroaching on the economy, on family life, on education – the State is saying that only the State has the monopoly to decide about these things. The more the State is omnipotent, the more the ethical standards are lowered, because it’s impossible to promote high ethical standards by the State."

    The 61-year-old of Polish background said, “I’ve seen the Communist ideology, which seemed to be so powerful, and it’s gone! Ideologies come and go, and they have the idea of changing humanity, of changing human nature. Human nature cannot be changed; it can be distorted. But the elevation of perversion to the level of a fundamental value that has to be nurtured and nourished and promoted – this is absolutely sick.”

    “The Church, standing up to this ideology which we are seeing now in the Western world, the Church is saying something very normal and humane, which corresponds to the understanding of humanity, which humanity has had for millennia, long before Christ, long before the appearance of Christianity,” he said. “So it’s not a question of the Church fighting the ideology, it’s a question of the distortion of humanity, and the Church standing up in defence of human dignity.”

    Fr. Giertych and John-Henry Westen on a balcony within the papal palace.

    Speaking of practicing homosexuals Fr. Giertych said, “of course they have to be treated with dignity, everybody has to be treated with dignity, even sinners have to be treated with dignity, but the best way of treating people with dignity is to tell them the truth.”

    “And if we escape from the truth we’re not treating them with dignity,” he added.

    The papal theologian drew an analogy to smoking saying that helping people stop smoking is not denying their dignity.

    He said:

    "Homosexuality is against human nature. Now, there are many things that people do that are unnatural – smoking cigarettes is also unnatural. You can live with the addiction to tobacco, you can die of it, but there are people who are addicted to tobacco, yet they live and we meet with them and we deal with them and we don’t deny their dignity. So certainly people with the homosexual difficulty have to be respected … And so the important thing is how to pastorally help such people to return to an emotional and moral integrity."

    Sunday, July 14, 2013

    Fr Giertych (Pope's personal theologian) on contraception and the coming violence


    Everyday is good.
    Everyday is holy.
    All days are present
    In Your Light.

    With my life lived
    Under Your gaze,
    I implore of You
    A river of love.

    Pour the many waters
    To wash the dross away,
    Then You, Yourself,
    Provide pure gold.

    Through the heart
    And hands of the Virgin,
    Purify my gift each day
    As I sigh to You.

    All my ways,
    The moments now arrayed
    Gilded by Christ
    Shine in holiness.

    And, though my acts
    Be as the poor trinkets of a child,
    Your wearing of them,

    In Our Father’s Presence,
    Makes Him smile.

    Look on me loving You
    With every beat of my heart,
    Skipping happily,
    As a playmate at Your side,


    ©2013 Joann Nelander


    Everyday is good.
    Everyday is holy.
    All days are present
    In Your Light.

    With my life lived
    Under Your gaze,
    I implore of You
    A river of love.

    Pour the many waters
    To wash the dross away,
    Then You, Yourself,
    Provide pure gold.

    Through the heart
    And hands of the Virgin,
    Purify my gift each day
    As I sigh to You.

    All my ways,
    The moments now arrayed
    Gilded by Christ
    Shine in holiness.

    And, though my acts
    Be as the poor trinkets of a child,
    Your wearing of them,

    In Our Father’s Presence,
    Makes Him smile.

    Look on me loving You
    With every beat of my heart,
    Skipping happily,
    As a playmate at Your side,


    ©2013 Joann Nelander

    Major news outlets' rejection of pro-life ad 'not surprising' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

    The Chicago Tribune, in refusing to run this picture but accepting a revised photo showing not this fetus but a picture of a live 20 week old baby en utero, in effect, declares, it finds publishing a picture of a dead baby unacceptable but has not problem showing a live baby which it has no problem allowing to be killed after maiming, pain and torture, in the act of abortion.


    TBoth the Los Angeles Times and USA Today refused to run the advertisement altogether, while the Chicago Tribune settled for a revised version, with a different picture of a live 20-week old baby en utero.

    “It strikes me as ironic that a medically accurate fetal model was too controversial, when the actual babies being aborted are living humans with blood pulsing through their veins,” Marissa Cope, marketing and research director at Heroic Media, a pro-life apostolate, told CNA  July 12.

    Major newspapers that ran the original advertisement included the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Some papers ran the ad with the stipulation that the wording “made it clear that it was a paid advertisement,” Cope said.

    Cope called the rejections “disappointing, but not surprising.”

    The goal of the advertisement was to raise awareness of a baby’s development at 20 weeks gestation. Congress is currently considering a bill that would ban abortion after 20 weeks, when an unborn child can likely feel pain.

    There is evidence that fetuses can feel pain as early as 20 weeks, and they certainly can by 24 weeks.

    On June 18, the House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

    It states, “there is substantial medical evidence that an unborn child is capable of experiencing pain at least by 20 weeks after fertilization, if not earlier.”

    Though the bill has passed the House, it must still pass the Senate, and the White House has suggested that if it arrives on President Obama's desk he will veto it.

    via Major news outlets' rejection of pro-life ad 'not surprising' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

    Friday, July 12, 2013

    Today’s Flowers

    Today, as I pick flowers,
    From the garden of life,
    In which You have
    Chosen to plant me,
    By the gift,
    You have granted me,
    From Your Most Holy Cross,
    In giving me
    Your very own Mother,
    I press each blossom,
    Fresh and humble,
    Into the open
    Hand of Mother Mary.

    I await,
    With great expectation,
    The magnificent bouquet,
    The Woman is arranging,
    As she gathers
    In Her Immaculate Heart,
    All the prayers,
    Works, and sacrifices,
    Proffered by the saints,
    Poured out in faith,
    Through the ages.

    May the sweet aroma,
    Scent the hope
    Of this day,
    And please You,
    You, Who,
    In the Love,
    That brought You
    To Your Cross,
    Receive my heart's desire,
    As You accepted
    The precious tears
    Of the Magdalen,
    And the sweet anointing oil,
    Lavished upon You,
    In repentant sorrow.

    You, Who love eternally,
    Those who love much,
    In return for Your Divine
    And undying forgiveness
    Press these,
    All abloom,
    To Your Most Sacred Heart.

    Copyright 2013 Joann Nelande
    All rights reserved

    Wednesday, July 10, 2013

    PODCAzT 135: Encyclical Letter “Lumen fidei” – AUDIO files of entire encyclical | Fr. Z's Blog

    via PODCAzT 135: Encyclical Letter “Lumen fidei” – AUDIO files of entire encyclical | Fr. Z's Blog.

    Posted on 7 July 2013 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

    Writes Fr. Z:

    In my desire to get my ears and mind around the new encyclical, Lumen fidei, of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, to sort the “voices” and get to know the trajectory of its arguments, I decided to read it aloud.

    Wanna hear?    Intro     Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3     Chapter 4

    A Time to Pray, Pray, Pray–Our Lady of Zeitoun

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Friday, July 5, 2013

    Komen Troubles Attributed to Planned Parenthood Controversy | Daily News |

    In 2012, the abortion provider waged a successful public relations campaign to force Komen, which supports initiatives to fight breast cancer, to reverse a controversial decision to discontinue voluntary financial grants to Planned Parenthood. Now, two years later, the abortion group greeted the appointment of Dr. Salerno with warm words.
    “We wish Dr. Salerno well in this important new role, and we’re proud of our continued partnerships with Komen and others to ensure that all women, regardless of income, have access to information and high-quality health care to prevent, detect and treat breast cancer,” Eric Ferrero, Planned Parenthood’s vice president for communications, said in a statement. Calls to Planned Parenthood asking for additional information were not returned.
    ‘We Aren’t Going Away’
    Not everybody agrees. ”She’ll be perfect for what Planned Parenthood wants,” Doug Scott, president of Life Decisions International, an organization that keeps tabs on Planned Parenthood, said of the appointment.
    He was not in a conciliatory mood. “It’s important for Komen to understand that we aren’t going away,” he said. Life Decisions International lists businesses that contribute to Planned Parenthood on its website.
    Salerno “did say that health is not a partisan issue, and pro-lifers should hold her to that,” said Rachel Bohannon, former communications manager for Texas Right to Life. “She needs to crack down on those pass-through grants to Planned Parenthood.”
    However, Bohannon doesn’t expect Komen to keep its distance from Planned Parenthood under Salerno. “Once you’re in bed with Planned Parenthood, and they are bad bedfellows, you can’t leave. Komen was no match for them.”

    Read more: 07:16:01#ixzz2YBvaeusc

    Thursday, July 4, 2013

    The Origins of the Quran

    Cardinal Burke Takes on the Modernist Agenda | Daily News |

    VATICAN CITY — Cardinal Raymond Burke has rallied all people of goodwill to take a firm stance in protecting and promoting human dignity, warning that it is under “constant attack in an ever more secularized world.”

    In a forceful keynote address to members of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute at the Casina Pio IV in the Vatican Gardens June 28, the Roman Curia’s most senior U.S. cardinal said belief in the dignity of all people is the most fundamental means of the New Evangelization.

    He singled out for criticism U.S. politicians who are constantly pushing to liberalize restrictions upon abortion, observing they are backed by “powerful lobby groups with vested interests, such as Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International.”

    He also criticized other countries such as the United Kingdom for forcing through same- sex “marriage” legislation without any regard for its consequences and the United Nations for linking aid to poor countries with provisions for contraception and abortion.

    “A thinly disguised population-control agenda is steadfastly at work in the sheep’s clothing called ‘maternal health,’” he said. But the agenda, he noted, “actually has nothing to do with maternity and nothing to do with health.”

    Cardinal Burke, who is prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura — the Church’s closest equivalent to a Supreme Court — also drew attention to the persecution of Christians, which he said is “at a high point throughout the world.”

    ‘Virulent’ Secularism

    Observing that the world is facing “virulent strains of secularism,” he noted: “One only has to read the daily newspaper or turn on the television for the evening news to know that Christians holding to the truth of the moral law is no longer tolerated by many and that the secularist agenda never ceases in its efforts to overshadow, drown out and intimidate the witness of faithful Christians.”

    via Cardinal Burke Takes on the Modernist Agenda | Daily News |