Reasons Why Obama Must Be Defeated
John D. Keisling, Ph.D.
1. He has vastly expanded Federal government power:
- Significantly increased dependency on government:
- Doubled food stamp spending: 47 million now on food stamps.
- Government takeover of healthcare: see below.
- Government takeover of General Motors.
- Unconstitutional attempt to remove welfare work requirement passed in 1996.
- Unconstitutional recess appointments with Senate still in session.
- Unconstitutional ignoring of laws: Defense of Marriage Act.
- Unconstitutional executive orders: Amnesty for younger illegal immigrants (DREAM Act—could not pass Congress).
- War in Libya without Congressional authorization.
- National debt up from $10 trillion to $16 trillion in 4 years. Increasing debt twice as fast as Bush. Now $50,000 for every American man, woman, and child.
- Supports “spreading wealth around.”
- Insulted small-business owners: “You didn’t build that!”
2. He wants to radically redefine marriage and family:
- Supports defining homosexual relationships as “marriage.” See Romans 1:18-32.
- By extension, supports homosexual indoctrination in public schools (Massachussetts, second grade—court ruled parents have no right to opt out or be notified)
- By extension, supports forcing Christian businesses to promote homosexuality:
- New Mexico, Elaine Photography—fined $6,500 for refusing to photograph lesbian “wedding.”
- Vermont innkeepers who refused a lesbian “wedding” forced to pay $10,000 fine and $20,000 to the lesbians’ favorite charity.
- Churches will not remain exempt for long.
3. He fully supports abortion:
- Supports Roe v. Wade: unlimited abortion, all 9 months.
- As an Illinois state senator, voted 4 times to deny basic Constitutional protection to babies who survive abortions.
- Co-sponsored the federal Freedom of Choice Act, which would overturn all state restrictions on abortion and therefore allow it in all cases.
- Appointed pro-abortion radical Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
- HHS now forcing religious organizations to pay for birth control and abortion.
4. He has made unprecedented attacks on religious freedom:
- Supports HHS mandate forcing religious organizations to pay for birth control and abortion. Never before in our history—government now says it can define what religion is.
- His Sec. of State says “freedom of worship” instead of “freedom of religion.” “Worship” is what you do in church Sunday morning; “religion” encompasses your entire life. Major difference.
- Refuses to allow conscience protection—pro-life doctors and nurses forced to perform abortions.
- Redefining marriage: see above.
5. He supports Obamacare:
- Massive expansion of government power. 2700 pages—no one knew what was in it.
- Barney Frank called it the best path to single-payer healthcare—illegal for anyone but government to pay for health care.
- Forces Americans to buy a product. Never before in our history.
- Sets up unelected board (IPAB) with authority to ration health care.
- Rammed through Congress against people’s opposition, without a single Republican vote.
- Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as Medicare administrator, who said, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”
- Many doctors say they will not accept Medicare patients anymore.
- Takes $719 billion from Medicare to pay for Obamacare
6. He has broken major promises:
- Promised to cut deficit in half in 4 years. Deficit was $1.2 trillion in 2008; now $1.17 trillion. Democrats controlled House and Senate for two years.
- Promised not to raise taxes on middle class: Bush tax cuts about to expire—largest tax hike in American history. The Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare’s individual mandate is a tax.
- Promised unemployment would stay below 8%. Still around 10%.
- “If you like your current health plan, you can keep it:” 5-20 million Americans likely to lose employer plans under Obamacare.
- No budget passed in 3 years: Obama’s budget failed in Senate 97-0!
- Was against homosexual “marriage”; now for it.
- In 2006, stated on Senate floor, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills... Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.” In 2011, he strongly advocated raising the debt ceiling again.
7. He has weakened America in the world:
- Disrespectful to America : worldwide apology tour for America , bowing to the Saudi king and Japanese emperor.
- Michelle Obama: “For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country.”
- Has done nothing to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly vowed to destroy Israel .
- Recently refused to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel.
- Supported “Arab Spring.” Now embassies are attacked in North Africa and Middle East . 4 Americans murdered in attack on Libyan Embassy.
- Attacks free speech of Americans: blamed above attacks on an obscure film criticizing Islam.
- Told an envoy to Vladimir Putin, “After my election, I’ll have more flexibility.”
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