Morning Conversation Regarding #Mary, #Mother of the Second Person of the #HolyTrinity
spookchristian on October 24, 2013 at 3:23 am said:Edit
Mary is not a Co-redeemer, or co- redemptrix, …
Mary is not god, she is Not the saviour of the World…
Jesus christ Alone is the saviour of the world,
NO ONE comes to the father i.e.. God, But by Him,,
Acts 4:12
You need to get yourself a bible…preferably a king james bible and get a ‘reality’ check up..!!
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lionesson October 24, 2013 at 2:09 pm said:Edit
Jesus christ Alone is the saviour of the world,
NO ONE comes to the father i.e.. God, But by Him,,
Acts 4:12
The pre-fix “co” means “with”
Luke 1: 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit”
Matt 2:1111After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Mary was the instrument of God’s chosing, whose consent God asked and honored. She is no more or less than the instrument God used to bring about Salvation when sending His Son into the world. Jesus spend 30 years with her and looked down upon her from His Cross when his friends had abandoned Him.
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spookchristianon October 24, 2013 at 2:15 pm said:Edit
Jesus Christ is the sole Author of Salvation, which he purchased with HIS Blood on the Cross.
lionesson October 24, 2013 at 4:34 pm said:Edit
Two Other Persons participated big time in authoring Salvation and that is presented in Genesis. All Three Person are the One and Only God. Mary is not God. Mary is His lowly handmaid as she herself proclaims in all humility. What a glorious instrument in the Hands of God!
Mary, Virgin, Mother of God,
The perfectly fashioned,
And tuned instrument,
A violin,
In the hands of God,
As He plays His music
For the Son.
©2012 Joann Nelander
spookchristianon October 24, 2013 at 6:01 pm said:Edit
Mary is never described as Mother of God in the Scriptures.
spookchristianon October 24, 2013 at 2:16 pm said:Edit
The 3 magi did not worship Mary though..
lionesson October 24, 2013 at 4:57 pm said:Edit
You are right when you say Mary is not God and that the 3 magi did not worship Mary, neither do Catholics! According to the Catholic Church “latare” is the worship we offer only to God. “dulia” is reverence we give to those we should honor according to their office and mertit, and hyper-dulia the the reverence we owe Mary for her unique role according to God’s plan and Word. The Church is very careful in how it carries out the commandment to “honor your mother and father” as was Jesus who rightly honored His mother though He was also her God and her Son.
spookchristianon October 24, 2013 at 6:07 pm said:Edit
I do not disrespect Mary…But I will not venerate her, or attempt to pray to her, or in her name….
I agree that mary was a chosen vessel unto God,…But Mary said herself, that whatever jesus says…
that Do,…
but the catholic so called church does not do that.
I really think that not having anything to do with the catholic so called church is the best course of action..
stick to what the Bible says…
I hope you will not take offence when I say that….
lionesson October 24, 2013 at 7:44 pm said:Edit
Be careful when you disrespect the Catholic Church. They gave us the New Testament scriptures which we both venerate i.e. hold in high regard.
We certainly agree with Mary as she said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” I can only assume that you would agree that Jesus obeyed the commandments His Father gave and more than any other person, most perfectly, honored his motheer (4th commandment)
verb: honour, respect, esteem, venerate, revere, dignify
noun: honour, credit, respect, homage, dignity, glory
The Catholic Church seeks only to imitate Christ in this and no more honor given to His mother is possible. If we can imitate Jesus in this we will be honoring the command Mary gave the servants.
spookchristianon October 24, 2013 at 2:22 pm said:Edit
I seriously doubt whether Jesus actually needed to learn anything at all from Mary..
She was born a sinner, died a sinner,
she did not die a virgin,…and she does not have it in her power to save anyone…
Mary was a disciple of jesus christ, and had to believe in jesus christ as lord, and saviour, to be saved herself…
which of course meant she would have had to acknowledge/repent of her sins, just like any other person..
Mary was indeed a blessed person,
but she was Not God, and Not to be prayed to.
(Not that I believe it possible to pray to Mary )…
lionesson October 24, 2013 at 3:57 pm said:Edit
Have you ever spent 9 months contemplating a single, solitary word? We’ll, Mary did! That word was “the Word”, spoken by God before all Ages for the glory of God and the Salvation on Man. That Word was taking flesh from her flesh and drawing nourishment fro her blood. Such is the Mystery of the Christ’s meekness and humility, coming forth according to the Father’s Will.
Mary “contemplated these things in her heart.”
In everything, “Mary was with child by the Holy Spirit.” Her “fiat” welcomed and began the unfolding of a divine mystery that now embraces us to be with God in the evangelization of all peoples throughout Time unto Eternity.
Joann Nelander
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